Listing of Ongoing Projects
- Body Image Theatre - a powerful social action drama for grade 7 students addressing a wide range of issues related to body image.
- Choir Kids- elementary choirs perform with the Red Deer Symphony Orchestra.
- Cross Country Ski Loppet– over 500 students from grades four to 12 participate in a three to five kilometer loppet.
- Dawe Run - over 3500 students compete in this fall tradition through our amazing parks system.
- Grow Kids - provide opportunities for local grade 5 students to discover, improve and share their skills in a variety of contexts.
- Healing Through the Arts - IB Art students from Lindsay Thurber work with rehabilitation patients at Red Deer Regional using amazing art projects to "heal".
- Young Writer’s Conference – over 250 aspiring authors, journalists, playwrights and reporters have the opportunity to spend a Saturday with a variety of authors, illustrators and news people to explore the wonders of writing.

Welcome to 'Under My Skin,' Body Image Theatre education opportunity. We know body image has a real and significant impact on many of our students. Its impact is far reaching and includes related issues such as self-esteem, healthy living, active lifestyles, resiliency and peer relations.
'Under My Skin' is a powerful drama targeting grade seven students that addresses many of these issues with true impact. The Foundation for Red Deer Public Schools, Body Image Theatre Education and through tremendous support from the Primary Care Network - Red Deer, we are excited to share this live action theatre production through video.
Based on focus group discussions with students, and guided by teachers and a resource panel of professionals in this field, the presentation focuses on the themes of:
- Self-confidence and self talk
- Healthy eating and physical activity
- Peer and media influences
- Stress, anxiety and depression and how to deal with them
Learning Package
In addition to this video, we have created a learning package (see links - right screen) for you to engage with your students following the video.
COVID-19 challenged us in many ways and it was important to find a new way to share these important messages with our students. This project could not have been completed without the support from the Primary Care Network - Red Deer and Alberta Health Services. We are grateful for their ongoing support. Thank you!