The Red Deer Public School Division is governed by seven locally elected trustees responsible for making sure public education is of a high quality and meets local needs.
The board has a responsibility to be in touch with the public's concerns, to make people aware of what the board does and why, and to give citizens every opportunity to have a say in what children learn.
Board Meetings
The Board of Trustees meets the second Wednesday of the month at 1:00 p.m. in the Board Room at Red Deer Public Schools located at 4747-53 street. Meetings are open to the public with agendas, minutes and highlights available on the district website at www.rdpsd.ab.ca.
Presenting to the Board
Individuals or groups may request an opportunity to appear before the board to respond to current agenda items, express concerns or make proposals on issues. Please contact the Superintendent of Schools for more information on the process to present to the board.
Dealing With Concerns and Issues
Trustees are responsible for the overall governance and development of policies that guide Red Deer Public Schools. The management and operation of the jurisdiction are the responsibility of district administration. Questions or concerns should be directed to the resolve area of responsibility. Please contact the Superintendent of Schools for more information.
Board of Trustees

Nicole Buchanan
I became a trustee because I have always valued education. I truly believe and think it is important to provide the greatest opportunities and resources for the upcoming generation to allow every student to become the best possible version of themselves.
My priorities include creating spaces in our community and school district where students and families feel welcome, safe and cared for; that students, parents, and staff feel valued and that their thoughts and opinions matter. I am passionate about making Red Deer the best community possible for every citizen to enjoy everything it has to offer.
I moved to Red Deer in 1998 after living all across Canada and was a student and graduate with Red Deer Public. I have two beautiful girls, born in 2012 and 2016, who are and will be students with Red Deer Public.
I have been employed as a police officer with the City of Calgary since 2008. I made the decision to live in Red Deer and commute because this is my home and I love the community and wanted to raise my family here.

Dianne Macaulay
With every term the focus may be slightly different but the foundation has always been the same, that has been doing what is best for students. With this term I focused also on being a voice for those that felt their voice was not being heard and having our schools be safe and caring places for our students and staff. Equity and diversity for all students.
I believe schools boards are accountable to the public. Public schools must seize their destiny by speaking out and encouraging the education debate. Red Deer Public is one of the most effective districts in this province because of our strong mission, vision and values. I will continue to advocate and communicate for "one publicly funded education system" in this province. I will also continue to be transparent with every dollar and every policy our board makes.
Previously, my occupations have been an eye wear specialist, a book keeper, retail management and advertising at Grant MacEwan.
I have three super duper kids. One fabulous son in law. Two super cute dogs.

Matt Gould
Today’s learners are the citizens, artists, innovators, leaders and workers of tomorrow, and at the core of their ability to be responsible, curious and productive people lies good, solid, broad-based, inclusive and well-funded public education.
We live in challenging times; the climate crisis, systemic and pervasive racism; homo, bi and trans phobias: economic inequality. It would be naive of me to think that Red Deer Public Schools can single-handedly tackle these issues, but as a Board and a division, we can inspire and encourage and lead the charge as we help to shape, support and encourage today’s young people to think big and act creatively. You never know where the next big idea will come from. Why not from a bright young mind (or minds) in Red Deer Public Schools?
I feel that my long history of working with young people has led me to this place in time and has given me a unique perspective as a Trustee. I have sailed the high seas as Youth Program Coordinator on Celebrity Cruises, acted as Artistic Director of Red Deer’s award-winning Tree House Youth theatre and taught at Red Deer College. I have also created large-scale theatre pieces for Artsparks on the Boards, which was a community initiative that paired people with developmental disabilities, local youth and adults from the community at large.
As a first-time Trustee, I am thrilled to be a part of the wonderful and ever evolving experiment called public education and I often think of the poet W.B. Yeats' idea that “Education is not the filling of a pail, but the lighting of a fire.”

Bev Manning
I first became a Trustee in 1995. I wanted to serve my community by helping to make a difference in the lives of the students and families who attend Red Deer Public Schools. I believe that every child has the potential to find their own path to success. Schools are a place where that should happen. They are places to prepare our future citizens to live and work in a democratic society, that respects all, encourages all, and values all.
My priority is to reflect what our community values about public education. I am elected to represent the citizens of Red Deer as I sit and make decisions about how public education will look. I believe that literacy and numeracy are of primary importance. They build a strong foundation for every student. Respecting the individual needs of each student who comes to us is also a priority.
In addition to being a Trustee with Red Deer Public Schools for the last 26 years, I have also worked as a graphic designer for a locally owned printing company.
I have been married to my husband John for 45 years, and we have lived in North Red Deer all that time. We have raised three daughters, and are currently enjoying our six grandchildren.

Cathy Peacocke
Running for school board trustee was a natural step for me after volunteering in my children’s schools and being school council chair at a number of schools. That experience triggered my interest in education issues and advocating for students. Around the same time I worked at a brain injury agency and became an advocate for people with disabilities where I realized I could be a voice for people who were sometimes marginalized.
I believe that a high quality education is the best opportunity our society can provide for children to be successful in their future. By working with parents, schools can help children achieve their fullest potentials. I recognize the need to provide a broad basis of support to students, focusing on physical, emotional and mental well-being as well as providing broad learning opportunities. Each student comes to us with their own unique needs and circumstances and it is our responsibility to do all we can to address those needs.
I have a Bachelor of Science Degree with a major in mathematics. My volunteer activity in our community includes having served on Boards of several charitable agencies which support people who face barriers to living full and happy lives.
My two children graduated from Red Deer Public Schools.

Angela Sommers
The call to action from Alberta Students, 2021
“Young people lack environmental and energy literacy, knowledge about climate – and hope for the future. Our students are asking for education to close that gap”.
I am blessed to be raising – and to know many other – young people who attend RDPSD. They want a fair and loving world. As a Trustee, I plan to advocate for our students. It is my responsibility to ensure all our students graduate with the hope, values, knowledge, and tools to succeed at being the best versions of themselves, while consciously contributing to the collective good. I support RDPSD’s values for learning and life: respectful, curious, responsible, collaborative, resilient, and healthy. I value culture and community, and work towards building a vibrant and strong division-wide family.
I grew up in Red Deer and graduated from Lindsay Thurber High School. Since then I have studied Landscape Architecture (NAIT), Permaculture Design, and sustainability education. I volunteer with parent councils, local boards, and not-for profits. I’ve owned and operated a landscape design and construction business for twenty years, and teach and speak at Alberta colleges and events about landscape design and urban agriculture.