Equity and Inclusion - Creating Success for All Students
Red Deer School Division believes all children require a fair and inclusive education so that their diverse learning needs, personal situation and/or social circumstances are not an obstacle to achieving their educational potential. An environment that recognizes and celebrates diversity for staff and students fosters a strong sense of belonging and recognizes differences as valuable resources for engagement and learning. At Red Deer School Division, each child/student is presumed competent and capable of learning.
Inclusion within Red Deer School Division is a collaborative team effort in which staff and community agencies work together to create classrooms that embrace diversity, foster a sense of social responsibility, and support positive relationships. Establishing an authentic sense of belonging fosters success and well being for all.
Student Services Priorities
1. Each student is engaged in meaningful learning that is appropriate to his or her abilities that takes place in the most enabling environment.
Red Deer School Division supports inclusion. Flexible and diverse programming allows students to experience maximum success. Programming will be determined on a consultative basis with schools, district office staff, parents and appropriate outside agencies.
All students should be included to the greatest extent possible within:
- the regular classroom setting
- the neighborhood school
- the school district
2. Each staff member has the ability to meet the diverse needs of all students.
At Red Deer School Division, improved services for students begins with knowledgeable and skilled staff. Professional development is encouraged and supported for staff to be innovative thinkers and effective leaders in their fields. Through conferences, workshops and professional learning communities, educators receive continuing instruction and support in best practices in inclusive education.
3. Each student is able to access the supports and services they need to achieve success.
A multidisciplinary approach is emphasized by Student Services when developing and implementing alternative or specialized programs for students. In addition to support services provided directly by Student Services staff, we have also established both formal and informal links with external service providers to better meet the needs of our students.
4. Empowering Students and Families
Red Deer School Division supports students within a Learning Support Team. This team consults and shares information relevant to the individual student’s education, and plans inclusive education programming and services as required. The team may consist of the Learning Assistance Teacher, classroom teacher, parents, student (where appropriate), and other school and district staff who are aware of the student’s needs.
Parents are valued members of their child's school learning team. Parent participation and engagement provides valuable insights and support to their child's success.
Pathways: Designed to deliver a living skills program to students with severe to profound developmental delays who may also have physical, sensory or medical conditions.
Foundations: Designed to provide academic, vocational, and independent living skill instruction for students wtih moderate developmental delays who are functioning well below grade level.
Knowledge and Employability: Designed to align with grade-level programs of study. They are intended to maximize opportunities for student success and to support high school completion. Students in our Knowledge and Employability Programs are working towards completion of a Certificate of Achievement (80 credits). This is done through adaptations to academic expectations and the addition of an occupational skill focus.
Partnership with Parkland School: Serves students with severe to profound developmental disabilities and complex medical needs.
Nicola Golby, Associate Superintendent – Student Services
Phone: 403-342-3715
Denise Skelding, Executive Assistant - Student Services
Phone: 403-342-3703
Student Services FAQ
A: Click here to see where your child will attend school based on the subdivision you live in.
A: Registration for Kindergarten begins the first week of January, when schools re-open, for the following school year.
A: Your child(ren) must be 5 years of age by December 31st of their kindergarten year.
A: Click here for the school board policy on Parent Choice of schools.
A: Red Deer Public Schools supports inclusion. Programming for your child’s needs are, in most cases, met at your community school. In some cases, the most enabling environment for an individual student may be outside the regular classroom placement or immediate community school. Such placements will be determined on a consultative basis with schools, Student Services, and parents. For information on Division programs click here.
A: If you have concerns regarding your child’s progress, please communicate concerns with your child’s teacher. Your child’s teacher will consult with the School Learning Team to determine next steps.
A: Depending on the program your child is registered in and the distance he or she lives from the school, transportation may be available. Click here for further information on transportation.
Useful Links
- Alberta Education Learning Resources
- Behaviour Toolbox
- Early Childhood Services Fact Sheet
- Inclusive Education Library - Learn Alberta
- My Child’s learning: A Parent Resource
- Student Services Lending Library
- Talk Box
- Talking is Key
- The Learning Team: A Handbook for Parents of Children with Special Needs